Choose Hiking Because Throat Punching is Frowned Upon

from $2.00

Add humor to your outdoor gear with our "Choose Hiking" sticker! Featuring the witty phrase, "Because throat punching people is frowned upon," this sticker is perfect for those who love hiking and want to show off their fun side. Available in two sizes – 3" wide x 1.5" tall or 2" wide x 1" tall – it's versatile enough to fit on water bottles, laptops, and hiking gear.

This black-and-white sticker is made with high-quality vinyl and is durable, waterproof, and UV-resistant to last through all your outdoor adventures.

This sticker will surely be a hit. It’s perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, and anyone with a good sense of humor.

Available through, and Natparksandbeyond - Etsy. You can also purchase for wholesale through,

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Add humor to your outdoor gear with our "Choose Hiking" sticker! Featuring the witty phrase, "Because throat punching people is frowned upon," this sticker is perfect for those who love hiking and want to show off their fun side. Available in two sizes – 3" wide x 1.5" tall or 2" wide x 1" tall – it's versatile enough to fit on water bottles, laptops, and hiking gear.

This black-and-white sticker is made with high-quality vinyl and is durable, waterproof, and UV-resistant to last through all your outdoor adventures.

This sticker will surely be a hit. It’s perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, and anyone with a good sense of humor.

Available through, and Natparksandbeyond - Etsy. You can also purchase for wholesale through,

I Hate People Waterproof Vinyl Sticker

Add humor to your outdoor gear with our "Choose Hiking" sticker! Featuring the witty phrase, "Because throat punching people is frowned upon," this sticker is perfect for those who love hiking and want to show off their fun side. Available in two sizes – 3" wide x 1.5" tall or 2" wide x 1" tall – it's versatile enough to fit on water bottles, laptops, and hiking gear.

This black-and-white sticker is made with high-quality vinyl and is durable, waterproof, and UV-resistant to last through all your outdoor adventures.

This sticker will surely be a hit. It’s perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, and anyone with a good sense of humor.

Available through, and Natparksandbeyond - Etsy. You can also purchase for wholesale through,

Video of the small Choose Hiking sticker being applied to a cup.

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